So… the deadline looms for the Great BT Switch-Off, as time marches on and BT continue to enable exchanges across the county for ultrafast fibre All IP connectivity.
As each exchange area is upgraded it will reach a point where it enters what BT are calling the “Stop Sell” phase. This phase is triggered when 75% of the premises in that exchange area are able to receive ultrafast broadband.
Approximately 460 UK exchanges are now at the “Stop Sell” phase – mostly small towns and village locations, however a very small number of cities have also reached this stage.
September this year sees the implementation of a nationwide Stop Sell policy from BT. What this means in practical terms is that some additional background checks will need to be carried out before new services are provided.
Please bear in mind however, that no existing services are at risk here – just new services at this stage! Where an address can be served by ultrafast broadband, we will be restricted to providing any new services via ultrafast broadband and IP voice. We will also no longer have the option to provide traditional copper services at these locations.
In practical terms it could mean that migrating a new site could involve migrating to BT’s All IP programme at the same time.
As always, you can rest assured that Riviera Networks will take care of everything for you, and keep you updated on any potential costs involved as and when this arises.
Do you have any questions for us about the Great BT Switch-Off, and how it might affect you?
Riviera Networks has got you covered.
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